Cereal Addict

April 23, 2012

The alarm went off this morning and I went about my business as if it was Sunday. I went to go find another blanket and was all prepared to curl up and listen to the rain when I had the ah ha! moment. Not so fast, Katie! It’s Monday, which means you’re not going back to bed, you’re going to

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The Streets of Orange

April 21, 2012

Today’s long run was brought to you by the motivation of new shoes! As mentioned in my fashion Friday post, I’m not obsessed with clothes in any insane kind of way but I do have a pretty substantial collection of shoes. It’s stopped growing quite as fast since I had to start using my income for boring things like rent

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Some Plans Are Meant to be Broken

April 19, 2012

For all my good intentions, there are still days where I deviate from the plan a bit. Like today! I was planning to go for a run this morning but I knew in the back of my head last night as I was going to bed that I probably wouldn’t make it out of the house at 6. The run

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