
May 11, 2012/ Running, Weekend/ 0 comments

There is currently a party going on in my house and I definitely did not invite these people over. Will’s fraternity asked him if they could have a low-key barbecue at our place if they provided everything and cleaned up after themselves. There was also a mention of everyone being out by 4 p.m.

Lol that didn’t happen. It’s definitely after 4 and they are definitely still here. And I’m pretty sure I will be doing the cleaning.

Once they discovered that our sad little charcoal grill is broken, the cooking came inside and all of a sudden greasy burgers and sausages were coming out of my kitchen. Last I checked the kitchen had become a sty and I’m terrified to see how it’s progressed.

So I took myself out of the house. Not really knowing where to go, I headed toward the mall just to walk around. Will and I used to walk around malls all the time the first summer we were dating. Neither of us a had a job and when we needed something to do, we would go enjoy the free AC and samples from the food court. It’s more fun than it sounds.

I popped into Express to see if they had anything I could wear to Will’s graduation. And because I had a gift card, I was pretty excited about my prospects.

A few dresses were selected…


I think I missed the class on how to take good pictures in the mirror. And sadly I never had a Myspace to practice with.


Oh and they get worse…



Both dresses were okay but nothing I would write home about. And even though I had a gift card, I just couldn’t bring myself to spend nearly $100 on either. And there was just nothing else calling out to me at the mall so I’m still without an outfit for next weekend. This seems to happen to me a lot. The last three graduations I’ve been to, including my own, I have searched high and low for a dress but was never able to actually find one I liked. I’m going out tomorrow to get some other odds and ends and will have my dress-hunting eyes peeled for something wonderful.

My mall adventure was cut short because I was feeling too tired to keep wandering. This morning’s run took it out of me. But in a good way. Yep – I made it through 11 miles!

I set out aiming for the 11 and I knew there was no way I wound’t finish them unless something went really wrong – I’m too hard on myself to not complete a goal once I’ve set my mind to it. And what a difference proper fueling and water can make. I made sure not to wait too long after eating to head out and I stopped at the water fountains four times, which was what I needed. My hips didn’t scream in terrible pain like last week and despite feeling a little tired and ridiculously hungry, I’m doing great.

But about that hunger. I had to grab some food when I was out because I could not wait until an acceptable hour for dinner. At 4 p.m., I was dying so food it was. And now a  few hours later, I could definitely eat a whole meal again. I’m even contemplating having some of the food from the party that’s going on, which tells me I must be pretty desperate.

Long run hunger kind of creeps up on me. When I got back from the run, I didn’t really want to eat, I just did because I knew I needed to.

Hummus and cucumber sandwich with a berry protein smoothie.

In a Coors glass for fun.

And speaking of beer, I really do think it helped last night. Next weekend I’ll be doing my long run on Sunday since we will be with family on Saturday but I suspect there will be plenty of celebratory beer for me to consume in the name of this science experiment 😉

Okay, I need to find some food. Off to chow down on second dinner!

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