Tuesday’s Mishaps

April 17, 2012/ Breakfast, Fitness, Running/ 3 comments

This morning has been all about new things. Some better than others. Some more intentional than others.

First things first, I set out for a run this morning outfitted with a new clothing item! Almost every item of clothing I have owned as a runner is just an extra tee shirt or a pair of shorts my mom passed down so new clothing is not common in my athletic wardrobe. Also, it’s damn expensive. Wicking clothes and built in underwear are wonderful but the high value makes them infrequent purchases.

However, the other day I realize I desperately needed I new sports bra. I don’t know about you other ladies but I require real support and the colorful cloth tube tops mascarding as sports bras at Target don’t do me an ounce of good. Which leads me to the expensive brands and back to why I don’t currently have enough. So Sunday I strolled the aisles of Marshall’s, where I was able to get my last decent bra for a pretty good deal, and found this guy.


I actually thought it would be too small (offering support by being so tight) but when I tried it on last night, I realize the stretchy fabric was not going to do a good job of offering support. Should have tried it on in the store.

I wore it anyways this morning, though. While it wasn’t as good as my first Marshall’s purchase, it was still decent. One run pretty much stretched it though and I’ll need to shrink it before wearing again.

Does anyone have any good, supportive sports bra suggestions? Cheap(er) would be wonderful too.

But all in all, it was a decent run and the morning was off to a good start.


Until I went to turn on the shower and discovered that the knob is broken. The plastic snapped and now it won’t turn on! And this is the second time this has happened in the last six months!

I took a minute to have a mini breakdown, my lack of sleep last night starting to show, before collecting myself and remembering that I’m a grownup and whining about it won’t get me clean.

So I improvised with a sink shower. This was a new one for me. I’m a big fan of the real shower and never understood why one would want to rush the process with a sink shower.

I guess I’m clean enough. Good thing it was only four miles this morning 😉

Finally, on to breakfast! More new things here with a different multi-grain hot cereal instead of my usual rolled outs. I did my shopping at a different grocery store this week and they didn’t have any decent looking oats so I got these.


They look similar to rolled oats, just with some other grains mixed in.

They don’t cook up the same though. The water does not absorb properly, resulting in messes like this.


And they don’t get as creamy either. I’ll make do but I’m already looking forward to getting back to my regular oatmeal. Such a creature of habit 😉

Topped with bananas and peanut butter, a combo I haven’t had in years. Bananas and peanut butter really were meant for each other.


With a little river of soy milk to add some creaminess.

Off to work now. Deadline day! Am I the only one who loves deadline day? Such a great energy in the office and I know I won’t just be sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. YOU look like Kylie Monogue! Gorgeous! and those oats look delish.

    1. Thanks! I’ve never heard that one before but I can kinda see what you mean.

  2. Pingback: Morning Madness | Creature of Habit

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