Lunch Prep

August 25, 2011/ Lunch/ 0 comments

Man, I am sleepy tonight. I was in to work by 6:30 a.m. so that I could leave early but there was no rest once work was done either. I went to my interview (!!!!!) and then hit the shopping centers looking for a floor length skirt. I never liked this style when I was younger but seeing it come back now has me excited for some reason. Usually I’m late to trends but this one I am ready to be a part of.


I ended up getting one that looks similar to this. Sometimes a girl just needs new clothes.

Tonight is Will’s Dungeons and Dragons night. I know, I know. I’ve told him it’s lame but he refuses to listen. No worries, though. While the boys play make believe in the garage, I prepped lunch for tomorrow.

And somebody was there to help (slash beg)…

My lunches are the majority of the meals I get to make at home since Will isn’t interested in eating most food I make. So I appreciate the opportunity my lunches provide me to be extra creative.

On the menu for tomorrow: Quinoa and vegetables.

Sadly, the vegetables available are frozen vegetables (bleh).

I’m trying to dig out the hidden “treasures” in the freezer since money isn’t exactly growing on the front trees.

Case in point: my method for soaking quinoa:

No strainer or sieve for me so I soak the quinoa in the bag and then squeeze the water out. It’s the best way I have found to remove the water without getting quinoa everywhere.

I cooked up the quinoa with the vegetables and then, in an attempt to add some flavor the frozen greens, I added hot sauce and some lemon pepper. The verdict? Not bad, actually. The vinegar in the hot sauce masks the “frozen veggie” taste and the pepper adds flavor.

Along with an grapefruit and an apple with almond butter ready to top it, I should be good to go tomorrow. That’s the only sad thing about my lunch cooking sessions – I have to wait until the next day to enjoy the end result.

Off to rest my tired legs. Shopping can be exhausting!

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